Future Endeavors
At this stage, we are considering venturing into multiple dimensions of the movement. A few of the themes which interest us are the theoretical discourses regarding Animal Welfare, The Inclusion and Consideration of Fishes as Animals, and Elimination of Cruelty in the Transport of Animals.
We have made substantial progress on a few projects aligned with the abovementioned themes. At present, we are at an advanced stage of research on the academic publication on the subject of Pet Shops: A Dark Sunrise Industry and the Codification of Inland Aquaculture Standards. We are also drafting an amicus curiae brief for the battery cages litigation that is Sub Judice in the court.
Additionally, the research work on the academic publications on the topics of First Strike: Animal Violence as a Gateway to Crime, and Transport of Broiler Hens is under the process of finalizing the detailed concept note and identifying the structure of the papers.
We are also in conversations with different partners to organize international and regional events in Suth Asia which includes but are not limited to conferences, competitions. We are also planning to initiate journals and lecture series to develop literature and discourse on the issues concerning animals. We are looking forward to continuing our previous initiatives such as the Bee project lead by Barcelona University.
Here is a list of some of the activities ALC will undertake in the near future:
- Battery cages amicus brief: ALC will submit an amicus curiae brief on battery cages for the Supreme Court litigation scheduled in mid- 2023. The timeline for the litigation may be found here.
- Pet Shops Working Paper under NALSAR publication: ALC will submit a research paper on pet shops in India that will help AWOs in India to bring more clarity to pet shop laws in India.
- Converting ahimsa fellowship reports into research papers under NALSAR publication- ALC plans to convert all field work data collected by fellows that was used for preparing reports used in advocacy into academic research papers. Prof. Murali Karnam has agreed to help with this project.
- South Asian International Animal Law Conference: The conference is planned to be in collaboration with Harvard Law School and AWBI, India. The draft concept note may be found here.
- South Asia rounds of the World Animal Law Moot: The moot is tentatively scheduled to be held in 2023 with NALSAR & NLSIU as regional base.
- South Asian Animal Law Journal: Launch by November 2023.
- Expert Lecture Series: The aim is to invite 1-2 experts from around the world every month with the aim of encouraging interdisciplinary engagement with animal law and policy.
- What Can Animal Law Learn From ___ Lecture Series
- Animal Law Awareness Series on ALC YouTube channel: The aim is to connect with a larger base of people who want to learn about animal laws and policies in India. The short videos will be recorded both in English and Hindi.
- Comparative Animal Law Project: The aim is to work with partner universities like Harvard, Barcelona, Tel Aviv University to produce comparative legal research on animal laws and policies.
- ALC Endowment Fund to organize events and research at NALSAR: The detailed 9 page concept note for the endowment fund that ALC has applied for may be found here.
- Resume the Bee project lead by Barcelona University started before the pandemic:
- Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law Lecturers’ Workshop in collaboration with ALC scheduled in April 2024.