
Training Programme

Keeping in mind the significance of skill development for Animal Protection, we organize training programmes from time to time to equip the stakeholders with knowledge and expertise on various aspects of animal laws.
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Sensitization Workshops

The legal changes occurring in society have to be accompanied by behavioral changes for the translation into reality. The issues related to animals need constant addressal due to their vulnerability. Thus, the ALC conducts sensitization workshops to create awareness and compassion for animals for maximum members of society.
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NALSAR Campus Activities

The rising incidents of animal-human interaction poses a want of structured approach. NALSAR is leading the way by moving towards a systematic and calculated approach in order to create sustainable solutions of eliminating human-animal conflict on the campus.
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Ahimsa Fellowship

Beyond the law students, there are many students and working professionals who are willing to work for animal protection. The centre looks forward to the opportunities of extending support to such candidates. The ALC acted as a coordinating agency to host the prestigious Ahimsa Fellowship at the NALSAR University in collaboration with People for Animals, Uttarakhand supported by Humane Society International-India Chapter, Mercy for Animals and Fish Welfare Initiative.
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The work of the centre extends beyond the conventional research centre in many ways. Since its establishment, the ALC has looked forward to accelerating the movement for animals in many ways.
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