The work of the centre extends beyond the conventional research centre in many ways. Since its establishment, the ALC has looked forward to accelerating the movement for animals in many ways.
- The Centre organized an interview of Smt. Maneka Gandhi, India’s senior most parliamentarian, by Prof. Faizan Mustafa on issues relating to animal cruelty in India.
- The Centre organized an interview with Mr. Sumanth Bindumadhav, Senior Manager (Wildlife, Disaster Response and Dharwad Program) at HSI/India, on utilizing laws to mitigate human-wildlife conflict in India.
- The faculty coordinator delivered a guest lecture on the topic “Climate Politics in the Anthropocene” at UPES, School of Law in February 2021.
- The faculty coordinator delivered guest lectures on the topics “Animals & Ethics” and “International Law & Animal Welfare” at National Law University, Orissa, India in March 2021.
- The faculty coordinator was invited as panelist at the Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute’s Annual Symposium on the panel, “Animal Origins of Global Pandemics: Can Law and Policy Prevent the Next Crisis?” organized by Harvard Law School held on 20/5/2021.
- Sonia Shad, Manager at ALC was interviewed by the UK Centre for Animal Law on the landscape for animal law and policy in India in August 2021.
- Shreya Padukone, RA at ALC presented a paper on the topic “True Cost of Eggs: A Cost to the Welfare of Hens” at the Third Animal Law, Ethics and Policy Conference organized by the UK Centre for Animal Laws in September 2021.
- India’s first MA in Animal Protection Law featured on the A-law database of all Animal Law courses around the world, by the UK Centre for Animal Law (https://www.alaw.org.uk/animal-law-courses/) 2022
- The ALC Webinar Week: Series- I was conducted between 1st and 5th July 2022 with notable speakers from the world and across India, including Yale Law School’s Daina Bray, Hidden in Sight and Nature Watch Foundation’s Mark Randell, Shardul Dabir and Radhika Ramesh from Good Food Institute and NLU-Odisha’s Dr. Sohini Mahapatra. The event saw 653 registrations and a turnout of over 103 participants for each session.
- The ALC Webinar Week: Series II was conducted in September 2022 with the following speakers: Lewis Bollard, from Open Philanthropy, Maneesha Deckha, from University of Victoria, Jayasimha Nuggehalli from NALSAR University and Global Food Partners, and Gauri Maulekhi from People for Animals.
- The 3rd Webinar Week was organized from 16th to 18th March 2023 on “Constructing Animals in the Law- Personhood and Beyond”. The speakers were Prof. Annie B. Satz on "Animals as vulnerable subjects beyond interest, convergence, hierarchy and property", Prof Maneesha Deckha on "Animals as Legal Beings”, Prof Jessica Eisen, on "Constitutional Protection of Animals", Prof. Visa J. Kurki, "The role of legal personhood in recognizing Animal Rights", Jake Davis, on "Why personhood is important for the Animal Liberation Movement", Paola Cavalieri, on "The Great Ap Project and its contribution to the Animal Liberation Movement", and Mr. Vivek Mukherjee on "Skipping Personhood: Nagaraja and its Flaws" The participation was from a wide range of audience from law students to academia.
- Continuing the webinar series, the 4th Webinar Week was organized from 24th to 25th March 2023. The panel consisted of Prof. Jeff Sebo on "Different Approaches to Animal Protection", Prof. David Favre on "Historical References to Animal Welfare", and Mr. Vivek Mukherjee on "Ethical Consideration for the Entry of Animals in the Indian Constitution".